Hi, We Are Coach Reece.....

Lamar & Diane Reece are Coach Reece, the founders of Parent Growth Network and Peaceful Preparations. Lamar is a board-certified chaplain, speaker, and life coach. Diane is a community chaplain, trained doula, author, and speaker. They met while serving in the military and have been doing life together as a married couple ever since.

Our approach to life is deeply rooted in authenticity, compassion, and a blend of love and humor. We are the parents of three children. Combined, we have over twenty-four years' experience in marriage, ministry, parenting, and life. Throughout the years, there is not much we have not seen, done, or helped someone else work through.

As chaplains, we have been present with the ones left behind, trying to honor the memory of their dearly departed without a blueprint to begin. Opportunities like the latter have given us a better understanding of the importance of preparing for the future while you are healthy and alive yet still cherishing the present. As a beacon of light and encouragement, we guide those who are healthy or sick in seeking peace of mind in their end-of-life planning impartially and non-judgmentally. We also take the guesswork and fear out of this delicate subject for those who may feel this topic will bring on the inevitable.

We aim to empower you to enjoy life fully, knowing that your legacy and plans are thoughtfully prepared.

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